Terms and Conditions

1. Membership and Participation

  • 1.1. By joining South Tyneside Academy of Musical Performance CIC (hereafter referred to as "STAMP"), members and guardians agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.
  • 1.2. Members and guardians agree to adhere to STAMP’s policies and procedures, which are in place to ensure a safe, enjoyable, and inclusive environment for all participants.
  • 1.3. Members agree to commit fully to productions they join. Once a member accepts a role in a performance, they are required to see the production through to its conclusion. Failure to do so without valid reason may result in a charge equivalent to the costs incurred by STAMP due to their withdrawal.
  • 1.4. All members and guardians are required to sign up to the Class Manager system. This platform is used to manage membership details, invoices, and billing.

2. Fees and Payments

  • 2.1. Fees are payable on a monthly basis via direct debit from September to July. No fees are charged in August.
  • 2.2. Monthly fees are fixed and non-refundable, irrespective of the number of sessions in a given month. Some months may have more sessions than others due to holiday schedules or other factors.
  • 2.3. Payment of fees is required by the due date each month. Failure to maintain up-to-date payments may result in suspension of membership until the balance is settled.
  • 2.4. Invoices are generated and billing is managed through the Class Manager system. Direct debits are handled by GoCardless.

3. Communication

  • 3.1. STAMP communicates with members and guardians via email, text, and the Spond app. By joining STAMP, members and guardians agree to these forms of communication.
  • 3.2. All members and guardians must sign up to the Spond app, as this is STAMP’s main communication method. Information about sessions, updates, and announcements will be posted here.
  • 3.3. It is the responsibility of members and guardians to ensure their contact details are accurate and up to date in STAMP’s records and within the Class Manager system.

4. Use of Images, Recordings, and Likeness

  • 4.1. By joining STAMP, members and guardians consent to the use of images, videos, voice recordings, and likenesses of members for promotional purposes. This includes use on STAMP’s website, social media platforms, and other marketing materials.
  • 4.2. Should members or guardians wish to withdraw consent for the use of images, recordings, or likenesses, they must notify STAMP in writing. However, this may impact participation in productions where group photography, videography, or recordings are required.

5. Attendance and Commitment

  • 5.1. Members are expected to attend all rehearsals and sessions unless prior notice is provided. Consistent attendance is essential for the success of productions.
  • 5.2. Members should arrive promptly and be prepared to participate fully in sessions.
  • 5.3. In the event of absence, members must inform the relevant STAMP contact as soon as possible.

6. Behaviour and Conduct

  • 6.1. All members and guardians are expected to behave respectfully towards staff, volunteers, and other participants.
  • 6.2. Bullying, harassment, or any form of discrimination will not be tolerated and may result in suspension or termination of membership.
  • 6.3. Members are responsible for following the instructions of STAMP staff and adhering to health and safety guidelines at all times.

7. Safeguarding

  • 7.1. STAMP is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all members. Policies and procedures are in place to ensure a safe environment free from harm.
  • 7.2. Members and guardians must notify STAMP of any medical conditions or additional needs that may affect participation. These details should be updated promptly via the Class Manager system.
  • 7.3. STAMP’s designated safeguarding officers are Daniel Shilling and Leigh Grant. Any safeguarding concerns should be reported directly to them.

8. Liability

  • 8.1. STAMP will not be held liable for any personal property lost, damaged, or stolen during sessions or events.
  • 8.2. Members participate at their own risk, and guardians are responsible for ensuring members are fit to take part in activities.

9. Cancellation and Termination

  • 9.1. Membership can be cancelled by providing one month’s written notice. Fees will still be due for the notice period.
  • 9.2. STAMP reserves the right to terminate membership due to non-payment of fees, breach of these Terms and Conditions, or behaviour that disrupts the enjoyment or safety of others.

10. Amendments

  • 10.1. STAMP reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Members and guardians will be notified of any changes via email.
  • 10.2. Continued participation in STAMP following amendments constitutes acceptance of the updated Terms and Conditions.

11. Agreement

By joining STAMP, members and guardians agree to these Terms and Conditions in full. This agreement ensures a collaborative and supportive environment for all participants.